To Nikolaus Zmeskall von Domanovecz
Vienna, c. 1801

Anderson v1 pg69 - letter #55



Admirable Herr von Seneskall ! [footnote: poking fun at pronunciation of his Hungarian name but also his connection with the great medieval houses in Hungary]

Most Admirable Fellow,

       Kindly pluck out a few quills from yourself and stick them into us. We have tried to do without them. But indeed we must soon test your masterly skill which in this respect we recognize in the highest degree, and request you to disclose to us the secrets of your proficiency - At the moment we have no quills, and yet we need them. Hence we beg you not to take it too much amiss if we must trouble you with this request. Soon, however, I will bring along some quills with me and with them you can make up your supply - Heaven take you under its protection.
